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HomeHow To Register

How To Register

The primary parent signs in and then registers the children for the appropriate sessions

  • Under "Programs", select the program you are interested in and then scroll down to select "Registration". You can also simply select "Registrations" to view all programs from the "Programs" menu.
  • After you review the program, click on "Register Now" to begin the registration process.
  • Event Registration
    • For Athletes: Set who's registering to "Not me, but I'm registering" and use the add & subtract buttons for the number of guests (children) you're registering. Click Next.
    • For Parent items: Set who's registering to "Me only".
  • Event Registration – "My Registration" is already complete so click Next
  • Event Registration – Configure Your Guests is for your children's names. Once entered, click Next.
  • NOTE: If you select "Not me, but I'm registering" for who is attending, and then do not see a way to select the name of the "guest" (your child), then it likely means that you did not add your child to your profile. Below, you see that I have selected myself as the parent, and added two guests (my children).

  • Event Registration – Activities lists yourself as a place holder for $0.00, click Next
  • Event Registration – Activities lists one child at a time so you can select their programs
    • Click on the down arrow to the left of the activity for a recap and availability
    • Add a check mark to the right of the cost column to sign up your student
    • Next will take you to the next child
  • Event Registration – Additional Information for wait list requests, anything more you would like to provide
  • Event Registration – Consent form: Agree and click Next
  • Event Registration – Summary of activities and costs. You must select “Complete Registration” to sign up for the activities.
  • Make payment gives you the option to pay online or mail a check or eTransfer to GKHAT
Having Problems?

Please contact the registrar for ANY issues involving program registration. You can do so by emailing
