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HomeHow To Join

How to Join

1) One parent will complete the initial sign up for the organization. You will tell us about the children that will participate in our programs. Note: If you are already a member choose "Member Login" in the top right corner and proceed to step 2. 

  • Select the tab "Signup" to begin
  • Choose membership type "Primary Parent"
  • Enter basic information like your name, home address, email, and so on. We use your cell phone as an emergency contact only. Complete as many fields as you can.
  • Add additional members which consists of one to five children to participate in GKHAT. For example, if you have three kids and two are in GKHAT, then we only need to know about those two.
  • Create your user name and password. User names must be unique. You will be informed if your proposed user name is already taken.
  • Agree to the Consent and Waiver of Liability
  • Confirm by selecting “Done”, terminate by selecting “Cancel.”
2)Signing up additional children when you are already a member. For example, your little one is now old enough to ski! This is how you can add them to your profile.
  • After signing in, select "Profile" under your name in the top right.
  • Click on "Additional members in your account"
  • Click "Add" for each child you intend to register. Children will NOT receive communications.
  • If you wish to add your spouse, you can do so in the Profile as well. When you add a spouse, that person can also receive communications.

3) This parent will then register the children for the appropriate sessions. For information on how to register, follow this link.

Having Problems?

Please contact the registrar for ANY issues involving program registration. You can do so by emailing
