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HomeU10 Born 2015 & 2016

U10 (8 and 9 year olds)

The GKHAT U10 program is for skiers who want to develop strong skiing skills, have fun with their friends, and learn through a combination of race training environments, race events, and all mountain skiing. At this age, we begin to sharpen our focus on fun technical skiing in race environments and all mountain skiing. 

Please read this year's updated Parent Handbook before registering as it contains important information on volunteer commitments, equipment and skill level pre-requisites. All families must agree to the terms and conditions in the Parent Handbook as part of registering for GKHAT.  
GKHAT Parent Handbook

As a prerequisite, skiers must be able to ski with confidence and control on advanced terrain ( Show-off, Feuz Bowl, Double Header, etc). Beginner and intermediate skiing programs are offered by the Winter Sports School at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort.  Feel free to contact us to help decide what is the right program for your young skier.

Friday*/Saturdays/Sundays 9:00 am - 2:30 pm

First day of program: Usually the second weekend Kicking Horse is open. See registration pages for details on dates. 


Our U8 skiers turn into strong little skiers in GKHAT and this is where THEY will start to depend on you less and GKHAT gets to depend on you more. While your skier was in the mini program, event volunteer positions were being run by the parents of older skiers. You are now the parent of an older skier and the club needs more of your assistance in the events themselves. We need a balance of parent in this age group sharing the tail-gunning duties and race/event duties. The good news is, most event positions put you in a great position to watch and cheer on your little racer and it is fun to watch their growing independence on the ski hill!

Volunteer Positions for U8 parents:

  • Tail-gunnig at GKHAT events
  • Course crew
  • Set up/tear down crew
  • Gatekeeping
  • Hand timing
  • Starter
  • Start/Finish Crew
  • Shadow a lead volunteer position (Chief of gates, chief of timing)

Equipment (see parent handbook for more details)

GKHAT Parent Handbook

Well fitting skis, boots, helmet, goggles, poles.. At U10 skiers will definitely notice a difference in having the right ski for the job. Ideally skiers have a Multi-event JR race ski and a more powder oriented all mtn ski. For the one ski quiver, look for a JR all mtn ski more towards the carving end of the all-mtn spectrum.  Also when helmet shopping for your U10, it is recommended to look for Hard Ear racing helmets. Some race events require hard ears, especially if they are going to fit that helmet into their U12 years.

*About Friday Skiing

Friday Skiing offers a slightly different experience than other ski days. Lift lines may be shorter, and programs are not interrupted by club race days. However, parents should be aware that since fewer athletes register for Friday skiing, this will often require mixing ages and abilities within groups and that groups may change through the season with mixed duration of ski seasons for the different ages. Also due to timing of operation of some of our ski racing environments and grooming requirements, the ski cross course may be less available for use on Fridays.

Financial Assistance

Please contact for income support if cost of the program is a barrier to your family participating.

To Register
